Schedule, page 1 of 6

Time Session With…
Time Session With…
8.45am - 9am


9am - 10am

Dynamical Mean-Field Theory and Strongly Correlated Superconductors: Can repulsion favour superconductivity?

The most striking realizations of superconductivity have been uncovered in materials where electron-electron correlations are strong, leading to Mott insulating states. This is an intuitively surprising situation, because superconductivity requires attractive interactions and Mott physics arises from strong repulsion. While … Continue reading

Massimo Capone

10am - 10.30am

Frustrated magnetism: the $Ca_3Co_2O_6$ paradigm

In solids, magnetic frustration can lead to exotic states of matter. In this sense, $Ca_3Co_2O_6$ is a textbook case showing unprecendent magnetic state coexistence, dynamics and step like magnetization dependence on magnetic field. Our investigation by means of resonant X-ray … Continue reading

Claudio Mazzoli

10.30am - 11am

Entangled spin-orbital phases in the d$^9$ model

The phase diagram of the spin-orbital (SO) Kugel-Khomskii ($d^9$) model posed a challenging theoretical problem [1], yet it is still unknown [1]. Here we investigate the phase diagrams of the $d^9$ model, depending on Hund’s exchange $J_H$ and the $e_g$ … Continue reading

Wojciech Brzezicki

11.30am - 12.30pm

Disproportionation at high-spin–low-spin transition in LaCoO$_3$

Emergence of the local magnetic moments is one of the typical features of the systems with strong electronic correlations. Common in transition metal oxides at ambient conditions, the local moment formation competes with effects such as band broadening or crystal field … Continue reading

Jan Kunes

12.30pm - 1.30pm

Magneto-optical excitations in systems with frustrated spin and orbital degrees of freedom

Optical spectroscopy is a highly sensitive tool to investigate the elementary excitations in correlated systems with coupled spin, lattice and orbital degrees of freedom. For example, low-lying electronic excitations of electric and magnetic origin in the THz range can provide … Continue reading

Joachim Deisenhofer

3.30pm - 4pm

Flash posters

Brief oral poster presentation, using only 2 pdf slides & 2 minutes per poster.

Beatriz Rivas-Murias

Camilo X. Quintela

Cédric Bareille

Christoph Bergmann

Erik Slooten

Francisco Rivadulla

Hui-Huang Hsieh

Igor Kogoutiouk

Ivan Supic

J.D. Dancausa

Manuel Bañobre-López

5pm - 6pm

Superconducting and Spin-Density-Wave states in iron-pnictides

The question of interaction between two different orders is always an intriguing one – will they coexist or will they fight for the phase space; how will each of them be modified by this interplay?  In this talk I will … Continue reading

Anton Vorontsov

6pm - 6.30pm

Anisotropy in the magnetic state of undoped iron pnictides

The recently discovered high temperature superconductors iron pnictides present singular magnetism. The undoped compound is metallic with Q=(pi,0) columnar ordering instead of being a Mott insulator with Néel order as in cuprates. It presents a very low magnetic moment[1], even … Continue reading

Belén Valenzuela

9am - 10am

Superconductivity, magnetism, and spin fluctuations in Fe-based superconductors

Since the discovery of a high temperature superconducting transition in ferropnictides approximately two years ago, the highly magnetic character of these compounds and the close relationship between superconductivity and magnetism has been widely recognized and intensely studied. Initially, debate about … Continue reading

Michelle Johannes